Career Report
Based on your expectations and motivations in your career and working life, the Career Report shows how you believe and expect your ideal career should be structured (head) versus the kind of career that would best suit you in terms of personal satisfaction and fulfilment (heart). It also distinguishes between four career paths that have been extensively researched. The results are used to guide your career efforts and find a career that most bring you joy and fulfilment. View the sample report here.
Decision Styles Report
This report is based on your decision-making styles, which are habits of thinking that we all form through experience. It distinguishes between the image you want to project when interacting with other people with how you behave most naturally when you are just going about things as you normally do. Both influence your communication, information processing and how well you adapt to certain jobs. View the sample report here.
Emotional Behaviours Report
This report measures the extent to which you recognise and manage your own emotions, motivate yourself, and deal with complexities, especially those that involve interpersonal relationships. You will find information about your ambiguity tolerance, composure, empathy, energy, humility and confidence. All of which influence how effectively you deal with different situations and people. View the sample report here.
Leadership Insight Report
Built to increase your self-awareness to better understand how to leverage your strengths, build engagement and grow into your leadership potential. You will learn about your communication and thinking styles, emotional behaviors, inner motivation and what really engages you in your leadership. View the sample report here.
Leadership Growth Potential
A profile that is used by your certified coach to add an additional perspective to your development. It integrates information from your Decision Styles, Emotional Behaviours and Career Report to assess leadership growth potential of future success in more senior managerial roles. View the sample profile here.
Leadership Potential Profile
This profile is used by your certified coach to guide your efforts and development when aspiring to managerial and leadership roles. It shows a leader's overall potential based on the fit between the person's motivations, decision styles, emotional behaviours and a specific benchmark especially selected for this purpose. View the sample profile here.
Emotional Intelligence View 360
This report provides feedback on 17 emotional intelligence competencies that are critical for career success and effective performance in your job. It compares your own self-perceptions to those of others who have provided you feedback on these important emotional intelligence competencies and behaviours. View the sample report here.
Decision Dynamics is a leader in methods and tools for strategic human resources development that illuminate and enhance the interplay between people and organizations. Their scientifically based approach is built on more than 40 years of continuous research and practical use in organizations. Their clients have already used their solutions to profile and develop more than one million employees around the world. To learn more about the assessments that we use, please visit